On the 27th-28th of May 2024, we were lucky to host Professor Hilde Coffé from the Department of Politics, Languages & International Studies at the University of Bath (UK), in Bergen. She attended a one-day workshop organized by the SUCCESS project and gave a presentation about her book project "Different and Unequal? Gendered Political Participation in European Democracies" at the DIGGSCORE tuesday seminar at UiB.

Prof. Hilde Coffé presenting her book project at DIGSSCORE. (Photo: Sina Storelv, UiB/DIGSSCORE)
On the 27th, Coffé was invitied to a SUCCESS workshop day, where all the project members presented their recent research. We also had Jana Belschner, from the Department of Comparative Politics (UiB), and Lise Lund Bjånesøy, from the Department of Government (UiB), presenting their recent work on the topic of gender and politics.

Postdoctoral fellow at the project, Francesca Feo, presenting her latest research on gender advantages during the nomination process at the SUCCESS workshop. (Photo: Jenny Guo Strømsnes,UiB)
The following day, Hilde Coffé gave a presentation at the weekly DIGSSCORE Tuesday Seminar. She presented her book project, co-authored with Cathrine Bolzendal, titled "Different and Unequal? Gendered Political Participation in European Democracies". By using European Social Survey Data (2002-2020), they study gendered political participation across 26 European countries.

Prof. Hilde Coffé with Prof. Elisabeth Ivarsflaten, scientific director of DIGSSCORE. (Photo: Sina Storelv, UiB/DIGSSCORE)