Our postdoctoral researcher Francesca Feo chaired the panel "Gender penalties in political representation: intersectional perspectives" at the European Conference of Politics and Gender (ECPG) in Ghent in July 2024.
Here the full list of presentation hosted by the panel:
"Unveiling the Gender-Age Nexus: An Intersectional Study of Political Ambition across Policy Levels in Finland" by Audrey VANDELEENE (Université Libre de Bruxelles) Hilde Coffé (University of Bath), Robin Devroe (Ghent University) Bram Wauters (Ghent University)
"Embodiment of political femininity: The symbolic representation of mothers in parliament" by Anne JENICHEN (Aston University), Emily CHRISTOPHER (Aston University) & Kate RANSON (Aston University)
"The role of gendered expectations on the electability of women candidates: Evidence from Latin America" by Daniela OSORIO MICHEL (German Institute for Global And Area Studies)
"Who’s the outsider now? The effects of candidate selection and experience on gendered evaluations of corruptibility" by Jana SCHWENK (University of Gothenburg)
"Perceptions of a gender-based advantages in the nomination process. A politicians-centred perspective" by Francesca Feo (University of Bergen)
